Penguin Brawl - For people who like penguins, card games and glorious battle!
Created by Penguin Brawl by RTK Studios
Penguin Brawl is a fast-paced action card game about penguins, deception and glorious battle! Simple learn what each card type does, get to know the basics, and away you go; the rest is down to how you play. The majority of rules are written directly on the cards making Penguin Brawl great for people simply looking to have a good time with a fun game, that doesn't take hours to learn. Penguin Brawl is now manufacturing and will be officially launching at the UK Games Expo on June 1st 2018. Preorder now to get a 1st edition copy, and what's more, we'll be shipping way before the official release date, so expect yours earlier than most, and were also throwing in some free secret cards... because that's how much we love you!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Final Penguin Brawl update from RTK Studios
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 03:11:51 PM
Greetings penguin fans!
So it’s been a very long time since our last Penguin Brawl Kickstarter update, and that’s mostly down to this project now being quite far in the rear view mirror. All should definitely have their games by now and most should’ve been able to give Penguin Brawl a game or two? We very much hope this is the case and also that you’re enjoying the time spent with our mad collection of penguins. :D
We’d love to see your opinions of the game on Board Game Geek, and also if you have any questions about gameplay, expansions etc, we’re fairly active on BGG and we’ll do our best to answer any queries you might have.
Next for us, just in case you’re interested, is actually selling Penguin Brawl, and in time hopefully making a profit so we can invest in future developing, and generally growing Team Custard Kraken from a small start-up into something that can offer jobs to talented individuals and awesome games to the masses. This is the dream. :D
On the note of future developments, we currently have a few games in the works that you should keep an eye out for. The first is a very simple tile placement game called Absolute Snake, we expect this to be BETA ready within a few months. Second is a deck-building farming game with a tropical theme called, Farmatropic. This is currently in the very early stages of development and is looking like being a HUGE game with almost 600 cards… Expect this to take us a while to get off the ground, but at the moment it’s looking pretty good! And lastly, we have a dungeon crawling adventure game called, This Dungeon Hates You! This is slightly further along in development however we want to put A LOT of effort into this one to make it super awesome, so currently there is no expected release date.
That’s just a little taster of what we’ll be getting up to over the coming times for all those interested. One further thing you should all be aware of is that from this point on RTK Studios will be going by the trading name of Team Custard Kraken. We’ve covered this before a few times but just in case you missed it, from now on we’ll be doing all our updates from the Team Custard Kraken Kickstarter page, as well as from the TCK FaceBook page. Head on over and hit those follow and like buttons respectively to keep in the loop with all future Team Custard Kraken goings on.
On another, somewhat connected point, you can actually continue to support us as an emerging developer by visiting the official Team Custard Kraken online shop and taking a look at our awesome and ever-growing collection of games. We’ve currently got a Christmas Sale on the go for those who like getting their presents early, and we’ve also just officially released our latest game, Find the Pickle.
Find the Pickle is a very simple card game of social deduction and bluffing in which you must steal and deceive your way to finding and keeping the pickle card to win the game. Sounds easy, but is actually anything but! Loosely based on the Germanic tradition of hiding a pickle on the Christmas tree it has literally been designed for this time of year, and for only £8.95 including free UK shipping it’s an absolute steal too. :P
So until next time we meet, remember to stay awesome.
Squishy penguin hugs.
Ant & Charlie
US orders sent and we’re almost done!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 10:04:27 PM
Greetings all
So we’re almost done! Yeah that’s right, Penguin Brawl is pretty much all fulfilled! US orders went out at the end of last week, and US backers should be receiving their games sometime this week. We’ve got 12 more orders to go out for a few UK and International backers, and we should be dispatching these by the end of today.
It’s been a long old road but I think we’re finally at the end of it. We can’t express how much we appreciate the support we’ve received from the Kickstarter community during the entire process and we only hope now that our backers enjoy playing Penguin Brawl.
Of course, our job is not over. Now that we’ve fulfilled to our backers we’re going to start gearing up for the official release. As it stands, the date we’ve set is September 24th. Of course, this has the possibility of moving either forward of back, however at the moment this is what we’re aiming for. We’re planning on exhibiting at a UK convention, Table Top Gaming Live, which runs September 22-23, and should coincide nicely with our expected release date giving us a great opportunity to build a little buzz during the convention.
Many of our backers, specifically UK backers, should have already received their copies of the game and we hope they’re being enjoyed. As part of our continued effort to be constantly improving Penguin Brawl we’ve been maintaining an active presence on Board Game Geek, and if anyone has any burning questions about anything Penguin Brawl related we urge you to head on over and get involved by firing some questions at us -
Any particularly good question regarding gameplay, mechanics, etc, we will be including in an FAQ on the Penguin Brawl website - We will also be weaving these queries into the official rules booklet for future editions.
On the note of Board Game Geek, it’d be amazing to start seeing our backers leaving the game a star rating and possibly a comment or maybe even a full review. We’re not going to beg for amazing scores like some creators as we feel that to be incredibly counter-productive. It doesn’t help anyone and all it does is stroke the ego of the beggar. We want honesty! Of course, feel free to give us an awesome score if you think the game really deserves it. We’re definitely not above enjoying a compliment or two, but what’s more important to us is improving our craft. We here at Team Custard Kraken and RTK want to be the best we can be, and Penguin Brawl was our first attempt at this. We’re not going to pretend its perfect, because it’s not! We gave it our best shot with the tools, skills and very limited funding we had at our disposal, and to be honest, we’re very pleased with how it turned out. We hope our backers are too.
But the point we’re trying to make is this: there is only so much improving we can do on our own. We need your opinions, we need your feedback, and we need your wisdom. The best way we can think of improving our games is by listening to the voices of those playing them, and that means you - yes you - reading this update right now, you! We want to hear from you, because with your help we can create awesome games that are truly creative and innovative. At least, this is our hope.
So be a legend and get involved, because you’re now a member of Team Custard Kraken and together we can create amazing things.
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie
It begins... at last!
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 10:23:55 PM
Greetings, all!
The time has at last come! Penguin Brawl is finally ready for fulfilment and we’ll begin shipping to our Kickstarter backers within the next week or so. We’re currently printing receipts, sorting orders, and doing all the silly nonsense that goes into this sort of thing. The way we’re going to be doing things is first we’ll be sending out to all of our UK-based backers, then about a week later we’ll be sending out to the rest of our international backers. Of course, keep in mind that where you are on the planet will affect how long your game will take to arrive once dispatched. We’re based in the UK, just so you know. :D Following the successful fulfilment of the game on our end, we’ll let you know and then it’s just a simple matter of waiting for the postal service to do its thing.
Before we say any more, we would like to once again thank all of our backers that have supported us through this entire process. We were hoping to have been well fulfilled by this point, but alas those plans went the way of many a man’s schemes… right out the window! There were a multitude of reasons fulfilment was pushed back, but in the bluntest possible way it all boiled down to money. When we launched Penguin Brawl we were a new and very small company run by a single person, and much like any small business we made mistakes… we made lots of mistakes. It was bound to happen - progress is made mostly through trial and error and without a so-called guru by our side we fell into our fair share of blunders. From the initial cancelled campaign, the faff that happened with the stretch goals, sourcing a reliable manufacturer, postage being a lot more than we expected, the list goes on and on… Basically what we’re trying to say is thanks. Despite things taking longer than we ever predicted, we have fought our way to the top of the hill known as international commerce and things are looking bright. So thank you to all the backers that have shown us support, given us tips and even just been patient with us. Having the belief of the Kickstarter crowd has always been a good source of encouragement when the going got tough and the bank accounts got empty. :D
So anyway, before I get caught in an endless cycle of waffle, we shall mostly end that there.
But one final thing before we go; we’re going to be going through each individual order one by one to make sure everything is correct in terms of address details etc. If we happen to come across any issues we will be getting in contact with you first by email, and if that fails, through Kickstarter. So if you do happen to get a message from us, be sure to reply to it ASAP because that means we’ve got to your order and it’ll be going out shortly after we confirm your details. Most things should go out fine, so not much of a worry, but you never know.
And lastly, due to some late breaking info, namely our fulfilment centre’s prices skyrocketing for some unknown reason, we are going to be dealing with the fulfilment of Penguin Brawl from within house sending mostly through Royal Mail. This isn’t really going to change things that much but it will mean orders will be going out at a little more of a trickle, rather than all at the same time. Cost has played a hand in our decision to do the postage ourselves, what with international shipping costs running so high these days. Fulfilment centres are great when shipping 1000s of units, but when only shipping a few hundred the discounts are severely outweighed by handling and admin fees. It’s a bizarre observation on the postal service and commerce sector in general, I can tell you.
So right, in conclusion! We’re starting fulfilment, expect us to start in the next couple of weeks, and hopefully you’ll soon be enjoying your own copy of Penguin Brawl.
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie
UK Games Expo - DAY ONE
almost 7 years ago
– Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 03:12:49 PM
Greetings all!
So, what's been going down recently in the world of Penguin Brawl? Well, as some of you may know, we've been up in Birmingham this weekend at the UK Games Expo attempting to drive up some last minute preorders in preparation for the game's arrival sometime this month.
We've just finished up day one and we couldn't be more pleased with the general response to Penguin Brawl. We've had a lot of people to natter to all day, which was fun! One unfortunate thing, however, is we were expecting to have a few dozen real copies of the game to distribute to press and the like during the Expo. Unfortunately, due to a rather annoying issue with UK customs, that is not the case and our games are currently sat at Stansted airport, “awaiting inspection”! Certainly a terrible time for such a thing, but hey ho, these things happen. As it stands, we are handing out demo print-and-play copies of the game to anyone interested, and once again we're pleased to say there's been a lot of interest. :D
Now, we know a lot of you UK based backers out there will probably heading to the NEC in Birmingham for the UK Games Expo, so if you are coming on down, then why not seek us out and say hi? We'd love to meet you and say thanks in person.
Now onto more important brass tacks: when will your games be arriving? As of today, the main bulk of Penguin Brawl's stock will be heading toward a cargo ship after this weekend. Hopefully this will put the game on a ship at the beginning of the week, and fingers crossed, barring any natural disasters that put our stock to the bottom of the ocean, we should have the games into the UK within 30 days. Now how's that for good news! :D
In all fairness there's not much more to mention, and in even more fairness, I'm shattered and sleep is required before more waffling into a word document can be done, so we'll leave that one there.
Remember, if you're down Birmingham way this weekend for the Expo, then seek us out and say hello - we'd love to meet you!
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie
Well Into Production!
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:07:39 AM
Greetings all!
Apologies for the recent radio silence; things have been exceptionally hectic around these parts of late. Most notably, and what has kept us the busiest, is that I (Ant here) have been moving house. This came with all the associated chaos you could expect and also meant our office was somewhat out of action for a short while because we work out of a spare room in my house. I won’t even touch on how much of a pain it was getting the internet hooked up! All that aside however, everything is finally in and sorted… mostly.
But anyway, what I’m sure you all really want to know is: how goes progression of Penguin Brawl? Well, in fact, Penguin Brawl has been in full production for the past three weeks. We are currently in that awkward stage of production when there isn’t much left for us to do on this end and now we’re mostly waiting for the manufacturers to confirm the completion of production. Seeing as though we were given a 28 day lead time, we expect the final word sometime within the next week.
With regards to the Expo launch on June 1st we are having 100 copies of the main game shipped by express specifically for the event. These copies are mostly going to be used for testing purposes at the event to drive up a little anticipation for the arrival of the complete stock a few weeks later.
On the note of the complete stock getting to us, currently our couriers are estimating a delivery date of roughly the week starting June 18th. If this does happen to be the case, we will begin shipping to our backers the same week, which hopefully will mean the majority will be receiving their games near the end of June. Of course for our international backers things may take a little longer, but, fingers crossed, not by much.
So I think it’s pretty safe to say by this point we’ve probably bored the pants off of you, so we shall leave that one there.