BackerKit Surveys Have Been Delivered!
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 11:58:02 PM
So, the time has come, and surveys have officially been set out. You should have already received, or will soon receive an email with a link directly to your personalised survey. Please be sure to fill these out when you get a spare moment and don’t hesitate to leave a comment with any questions you have with regards to any part of the surveys. If for any reason you can’t seem to find your survey, please first check your spam folder, and if you still cant find it just send us a quick email to [email protected] with your name and we’ll send your link directly.
Also remember that now is the last chance to take advantage of FREE shipping on ALL add-ons purchased through BackerKit. We are only offering this to our Kickstarter backers as another massive thank you for supporting our project. This applies to all our backers and not just those in the UK and US. So beyond any postage already paid in Kickstarter, there’s no further fee.
So go nuts! Get a plushy, get two! Why not? They’re just so cute and fluffy! All the proceeds made from add-ons go directly towards keeping us making games and we have some BIG plans in the works. Big BIG plans, and it’s going to be great! But of course, how great is completely down to our awesome group of backers.
Squishy penguin hugs, and reminding you all to stay awesome!
Ant & Charlie
P.S. If you felt like sharing the pre-order page after you’re done with your survey that’d be fantastic too. Let’s give a little love to that share button. :P
BackerKit Surveys Coming Wednesday - Slight Change :D
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 01:24:39 AM
Hello Everyone
Just another short update regarding BackerKit surveys.
Due to a slight delay in the BackerKit reviewing stage we'll now be sending out our surveys on Wednesday instead of tomorrow. Not the biggest change in the world but we thought you'd all appreciate knowing.
Apart from that we're working hard on getting everything looking ship shape and we're looking forward to starting the manufacturing process.
Thanks to you all for your continued support in Penguin Brawl and enjoy the rest of your day :D
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie
Surveys Coming Soon
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 01:20:50 PM
Greetings everyone
Just a short update to keep everyone in the loop :D
We will be sending out our post campaign surveys at the beginning of next week via BackerKit, so keep an eye on your inbox. We expect to send them out about midday-ish on Monday, but if for some reason we need to delay we'll post an update to keep you all informed.
We've spent the past week preparing for the manufacturing process and we're pleased to say it's going very well so fulfilling for our expected delivery date should be a cake walk.
For those who missed their chance to back Penguin Brawl while it was live we've begun to take pre-orders through BackerKit. Simply click the button at the top of our campaign page and it'll take you straight to the pre-order page.
In the interest of not rambling on forever I'll leave that one there :D
Any questions you may have feel free to post in the comments section of this update and we will endeavour to reply as soon as we can.
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie
Thank you everyone! Enjoy that successful campaign feeling :D
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 06:08:48 PM
We have officially done it and Penguin Brawl is now funded, and we couldn't appreciate the support our backers have shown us throughout the entire Kickstarter process. We'll keep this brief because really there is only one thing to say., and that is, Thank you, sincerely, thank you from us here at RTK, thank you! We could talk about the next step in the process until we're blue in the face but we're still in that first 24 after completing a successful campaign, and we're having a small celebration to our selves :D So let's bask in that after project feeling just a little longer :P
Expect more updates to come over the coming weeks as we make preparations to send out your surveys. We will continue to update through Kickstarter, Facebook and Twitter at keys points in the manufacturing process. However, we still have a few cards to complete art wise for Nuclear Winter, so we won't be pushing print right away, but we promise we will work hard to get your copy of Penguin Brawl to you as soon as we can.
Thanks once again and have a little celebration to yourself also. You helped make this happen, and for that we think you're awesome!
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie
Only 24 hours to go!
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Oct 05, 2017 at 01:20:01 AM
Greetings everyone
So Penguin Brawl has only 24 hours left on the clock and we're sitting nicely at 106%. We owe everything to our awesome group of backers and we'd just like to let you all to know that we intend to not disappoint. Once Penguin Brawls Kickstarter campaign is over, and after a few days rest :P We'll be getting straight onto fine tuning and preparing our game for manufacturing. We may have set our delivery date for March, however we originally wanted to deliver for Christmas and it's only through uncertainty that we changed it. We may still not be able to deliver for Christmas and we're not making any promises; but if, when all is said and done we can dispatch early, we will!
Beyond the Kickstarter we will be running our post campaign processes through BackerKit. Shortly after the campaign ends we'll be sending out BackerKit surveys to all our backers. Using BackerKit is a very easy process, simply click the BackerKit link once you receive it and follow the on-screen process. There will be a few questions to answer along with the opportunity to purchase addition copies of Penguin Brawl as well as any add-ons you may also want to receive for yourself or as gifts for others. Your initial pledge will still be charged through Kickstarter within a few days of the campaign completing, but any additional orders made through your survey will go through BackerKit.
As well as running our surveys BackerKit will also be taking care of our pre-orders, and the entire Penguin Brawl catalogue of goodies, i.e. the games, the plushies, t-shirts etc, will still be available to purchase right up until we ship everyone's orders. However one important thing will be different about pre-orders. Free shipping will no longer be included and each item will incur it's own separate fee. Those backing through Kickstarter need not worry about this because shipping is included with reward tiers, but we thought our backers should still be aware :D
Remember that all of the funds we make from the sale of Penguin Brawl and our add-ons will all be going toward improving our game, developing more expansions, and even developing new games like This Dungeon Hates You! It's still in the very early stages of development but it's shaping up quite nicely to be an amusing, dungeon crawling adventure, with a few special mechanics we're rather pleased about. So if you're a generous sort that loves to give gifts then why not grab a few of our add-ons before the Kickstarter ends, and give the gift of a penguin... Guaranteed to be cuddly, except the puzzle which isn't great for cuddles... far to pointy!
Have a great rest of the day and remember to stay awesome.
Squishy penguin hugs
Ant & Charlie