
Penguin Brawl - For people who like penguins, card games and glorious battle!

Created by Penguin Brawl by RTK Studios

Penguin Brawl is a fast-paced action card game about penguins, deception and glorious battle! Simple learn what each card type does, get to know the basics, and away you go; the rest is down to how you play. The majority of rules are written directly on the cards making Penguin Brawl great for people simply looking to have a good time with a fun game, that doesn't take hours to learn. Penguin Brawl is now manufacturing and will be officially launching at the UK Games Expo on June 1st 2018. Preorder now to get a 1st edition copy, and what's more, we'll be shipping way before the official release date, so expect yours earlier than most, and were also throwing in some free secret cards... because that's how much we love you!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rollin’ the Ball!
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 10:04:17 PM

Greetings, all!

So, it’s just over a month since our last update, and you’ll all be pleased to know we are back up to full speed with getting Penguin Brawl finished and manufactured.

Note-worthy things that happened this month include:

Charlie’s wrist is seemingly back to normal and we’re within grasping distance of completing all the art that needs doing.

The 120 card base game for Penguin Brawl is now complete, including the box art and rules sheet, which at last means we will soon be receiving our final sample, sometime within the next few weeks. (We cannot wait for this to arrive, and we’ll be sure to get some photos up once it does.)

We have now raised the additional funds we needed to increase the initial printing run of Penguin Brawl, as spoken about in our last update.

We have completed development on an official Penguin Brawl scoring app that will soon be available for iOS (we’re currently discussing an Android version).

Basically, lots of things have happened, and this means we’re getting very close to actually fulfilling this thing, which is awesome!

On the fulfilment and releasing note, for those not quite in the know - as things stand, we’re expecting to be able to fulfil to our Kickstarter backers throughout the month of May. We’ll be shipping from the UK for most orders, so expect a little additional delivery time if you live way away. Given the low, and in a lot of cases free, shipping we offered to our backers it does mean we’ll need to use a low cost option for backers outside the UK. This unfortunately tends to mean a longer wait, sorry. However, we are currently looking into cheaper and faster delivery options so this could well change by fulfilment day.

With regards to Penguin Brawl’s official release, we were originally going to launch on April 25th which also happens to be World Penguin Day. This would have been lovely, but unfortunately this can no longer be the case without some kind of miracle. Instead we will now be having the official launch at the UK Games Expo that happens at the NEC in Birmingham on June 1st - 3rd. It’s an awesome board gaming festival that happens every year in the biggest venue the UK has to offer with over 20k people attending each year. So in fairness, I think we now have the better option. We’re going to have a stand and everything so if you happen to be going, be sure to keep an eye out for us. But trust me, we’re not going subtle, so you’ll see us!

That about sums up what’s been going on around these parts since we last spoke. So know that the mission is continuing and we are still doing our best to get Penguin Brawl produced and fulfilled as soon as we can.

Squishy penguin hugs. Ant & Charlie

P.S. Keep an eye out for a backer-only update that’ll be happening in the next few days. We’re updating the print and play as we’d love to get people’s thoughts on the final design of the cards before we hit print. We are also going to be giving a demo version of the game away soon as part of a pre-launch ad campaign that is going to be available for download through all our social media platforms… so tell your friends!

Production Update & Slight Delays
about 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 03:58:17 PM

Greetings all! Update time.

So, what have we been up to for the last few months since the Kickstarter? Well, lots of things in fact. Some things have unfortunately pushed back our schedule but at the same time we’ve been given the opportunity to move into bigger and better things.

Firstly, we have little bit of bad news regarding the progress of the game. It’s not really bad, but it has put us behind by a considerable amount of time. Unfortunately Penguin Brawl’s primary artist, Charlie, has recently suffered an injury to his wrist which is impairing quite heavily on his ability to draw. Work is still continuing, however at a slower rate than before, which unfortunately means we will not be able to meet our original expected fulfillment date of March 2018. Our samples are looking good from the manufacturer, but because we’re printing it all at the same time everything needs to be finished before we can continue, which it is not quite yet.

On a personal note besides Charlie’s injury progress was also recently slowed by the arrival of mine and my wife’s first child. Little Amelia was born in December and I’d be lying to say time wasn’t lost over Christmas because of this. It seems you can plan and scheme all you want in the preceding nine months before the babies birth, but all the planning in the world doesn’t matter for squat when the time finally arrives. Stressful, but fantastic times. :D

Do not fret however, as I’m sure we’ll be back to full speed sooner rather than later, from which point we’ll be doing everything we can to get the finished game to you as soon as we can.

On a more business related note, and for those interested in the goings-on within the board game industry. It is in some way advantageous we’ve been given some extra time before printing as we’re trying to get some additional funds together to increase the quantity of our initial printing run. As I’m sure you all know, the bigger the print run, the better the overall cost. A bigger initial run would be especially good for us as a company because with Penguin Brawl we wanted to create a great game that wasn’t constrained too much by the cost. We feel we achieved this and by what we understand, most of our backers feel they got a good deal. However with small printing runs the price per copy of the game increases dramatically. Now, don’t get us wrong here, we’re not saying the game is too expensive to produce. Once we have all the art completed we can happily press play on the printers and at the current quantities we can happily fulfill our Kickstarter orders, so no worries there. It’s just unfortunately after fulfilling our Kickstarter orders we’ll only have about a hundred copies left. Now that’s nice and all, but given we’re hoping to get Penguin Brawl stands at some of the country’s top conventions this expo season, it would be very nice to have a few more, hence our interest in increasing our initial order size. We hope this information doesn’t scare anyone into thinking the game won’t turn up, because it will turn up, that we promise. We’re just trying to explain why we may be a little later with fulfilling our Kickstarter orders than we originally expected. We hope you all understand and we promise to make it up to all of you by chucking some extra Penguin Brawl goodies into everyone’s orders when they finally go out. Nothing magical of course, but we have some Penguin Brawl key rings and pens, etc. left over from our initial advertising run. Also, how would everyone also like to receive a signed card from the first ever Penguin Brawl BETA decks we made for our own use? We’ve got five of these old-school decks which should do a card for each backer quite nicely. They’re even in plastic sleeves. :D Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Right, well I’ve waffled on for long enough at this point so I think we’ll leave it there for this update. The mission continues, and know we’re doing all we can with the tools at our disposal to get Penguin Brawl finished as soon as we can.

Squishy penguin hugs. Ant & Charlie

P.S. Keep an eye out for our next update, which will include an updated version of the Penguin Brawl Print & Play for those interested. We’ve made a few slight changes to the design here and there over the past few months. which should translate to a sleeker and prettier game. It would also be great to get the opinion of our backers on the changes.

about 7 years ago – Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 01:20:02 PM

Greeting lovely people!

Just a short one from us here at RTK Studios to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, we hope you all got exactly what you asked Santa for. :D

And of course for the coming days, a very happy New Year!

We’re not going to waffle on like we always do as we imagine many are very busy this time of year visiting family and friends and generally enjoying the festive cheer and plenty of big dinners. :D Keep an eye out in the coming weeks however as we’ll be putting out another, much longer update explaining exactly what we’ve spent our time doing since the end of the campaign, what we intend to do next and also there’ll be some insight into when you can expect to receive your Penguin Brawl games and goodies.

In the meantime and if you’re up for something new, we urge you to check out Find the Pickle, which is a brand new game we’ve co-created with our friends over at Team Custard Kraken. The FREE print and play is available now for download via the websites at: Currently there are two options for downloading Find the Pickle, these including via Google Drive (You’ll need a Google account) or by Email (Sign up to the mailing list). More download options will become available soon to make getting your hands on the Print & Play of Find the Pickle super easy! Also check it out on FaceBook and like the page to keep up to date with all the latest Find the Pickle news:

Anyway! We’ve kind of got a little side tracked there… so well finish this by simply saying.


Squishy penguin hugs.

Ant & Charlie

Staying In the loop :D
about 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 02:59:21 PM

Greetings all

We just thought we’d post a little update here to keep everybody in the loop seeing as it’s been a little while since our last. :P

So things are going well. We’re currently working on getting Nuclear Winter and Battle of the Gods finished and we hope to everything completed within the next few months.

With regards to our manufacturing process, if all goes to plan we’ll be having Penguin Brawl and all of our expansions printed sometime in February. Fingers crossed, this should mean we’ll be able to dispatch to our backers for mid March. Now of course, sometimes things take a little longer than expected so delays are certainly possible. But as usual we will try our best to get your copy of Penguin Brawl and all of your goodies to you as soon as we can.

Speaking of goodies and just so you all know, we’ll be leaving everyone’s BackerKit surveys un-locked until mid February. Of course we still need them completed so we know where to send your copy of the game. But, what it means is you’ll still be able to edit and add items to your orders up until mid February. So for any of you that want to add some last minute penguin goodies to your order post Christmas can do so do with relative ease. Simply click the link in the survey email you received and that’ll take you directly to your survey where you can make any changes. If for any reasons you can no longer find your survey email and you wanted to make a change then send us a quick message to: [email protected] and we’ll send you the link ASAP.

Thank you all for your continued support and enjoy the rest of your day.

Squishy penguin hugs Ant & Charlie

P.S. Anyone interested in what else we’ve been doing recently besides Penguin Brawl should CLICK HERE or on the image below. This will take you to the Facebook page for a new card game we’ve been working on with some friends. It’s a social deduction and bluffing party game called Find the Pickle, and despite being very simple in concept, in actuality it’s ridiculously addictive and will get you cursing your friend’s names from the highest peaks. The Print & Play edition of Find the Pickle will be going live on the November 30th and we’d love you all to try it out.


BackerKit Survey Reminder
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 06:01:38 AM

Hello all

This is just a quick reminder for all those that have not yet filled in their surveys. So far over 75% of our backers have completed their surveys, which is awesome. But we’re still waiting on that last 25%. Remember, the sooner we can confirm everyone’s order the sooner we can finalize numbers for manufacturing. So if you haven’t already then head on over to BackerKit by clicking on the link in the email we sent you and help us move on to the next stage of getting this thing made. :D

Squishy penguin hugs

Ant & Charlie